Church Facility Use Terms of Agreement Template

This free template is a great start to formally streamlining your church’s external event and rental process at your facility. Facilities use agreements are essential for ensuring that both the facility owner and the user have a clear understanding of their respective responsibilities and obligations during the rental period. They help prevent misunderstandings and legal disputes and provide a framework for a smooth and mutually beneficial arrangement.

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What is a facilities use agreement?

A facilities use agreement is a legal document or contract that outlines the terms and conditions under which a person, organization, or entity is allowed to use a specific facility or property for a certain purpose or duration. Facilities use agreements are also commonly used by churches and religious organizations when they allow external individuals or groups to use their facilities for various purposes. Churches often have multifunctional spaces that can be used for more than just religious services, and they may choose to rent out or share their facilities for community events, meetings, weddings, concerts, and other gatherings. In such cases, a facilities use agreement can help clarify the terms and conditions of the arrangement.