Location: Charlotte, NC

Facility Size: 7 Acres

eSPACE Module: Event Scheduling with Facility Systems Integration

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Transforming Community Engagement: SouthPark Church's Journey with Smart Church Solutions

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In 2013, SouthPark Church, nestled in the heart of Charlotte, NC, embarked on an ambitious journey to redefine its presence and ministry within the evolving SouthPark community. This mission, named Love SouthPark, was conceived to make the church the spiritual and communal hub of SouthPark, embodying a vision inspired by biblical stories and historical community layouts where faith and daily life intertwine.

South Park Church’s Challenges:

At the outset, SouthPark Church faced considerable challenges, including millions in deferred maintenance on its iconic “ski slope” building and a lack of capital funds for the extensive Dream Big SouthPark relaunch project. The church owned valuable but underutilized land, presenting both an opportunity and a stewardship responsibility.


Partnering with Smart Church Solutions, the church initiated a mixed-use development project to utilize its property more faithfully. The project, facilitated by Tim Cool and Smart Church Solutions, focused on creating a vibrant 24/7 village with over 350 apartments, retail spaces, and a hotel, with the church at its center. More details can be found in this blog.


The development not only revitalized the church’s infrastructure but also introduced new revenue streams through retail ownership and an electronic advertising screen. This financial model allowed the church to set aside $2.5 million for future maintenance, ensuring the congregation could focus on ministry rather than mortar.


eSPACE Implementation:

Following the project, SouthPark Church adopted eSPACE software for streamlined event scheduling and facility management. The software’s automatic door access feature proved invaluable for managing the church’s bustling event calendar efficiently, particularly for a staff managing numerous bookings single-handedly. The life cycle calculator further enhanced their ability to track and manage the capital reserve fund effectively.

Door Access Events in eSPACE Facility Management Software


Client Testimonial:

“The biggest benefit of eSPACE for me is the doors… it’s like a One-Stop shop,” notes a church staff member, highlighting the software’s critical role in keeping the church organized and its events running smoothly.

SouthPark A Model for Others:

SouthPark Church’s journey with Smart Church Solutions from a vision to a community-centric mixed-use development stands as a testament to innovative church stewardship and engagement. eSPACE Facility Management Software has been instrumental in supporting this transformation, providing the tools needed for effective facility management and community interaction.

As SouthPark Church continues to serve as a beacon in Charlotte, it also offers a replicable model for other churches looking to engage their communities more deeply. The church’s willingness to embrace change, coupled with Smart Church Solutions’ expertise, has paved the way for a future where the church is not just a place of worship but a vibrant part of the community fabric.