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Let that quote sink in for a minute…

Ever do a task, and then have to do it again a short time later?

Why? Because you didn’t do it right the first time.

You left it half-done. You didn’t put it away. Or you didn’t give it your full effort.

The difference between doing something and doing it right is usually only a few seconds.

Here are 10 things you should do right the first time according to :

  1. Putting Things Away – Most items take only a few moments to put away. Yet, we leave them out. Do that a few times, and suddenly you have a much bigger mess to clean up.
  2. Finishing a Task to Done – You almost complete a task. You take it to 99% done. But, then you leave it undone. Why?
  3. Cleaning Up – There is a big difference in doing the dishes right after dinner, and doing them the next morning. This simple analogy applies to most clean up jobs.
  4. Throwing Things Away – When in doubt, throw it out. That is a good motto to help prevent clutter buildup. Don’t keep things “just because you might need them again.”
  5. Preparing for a Meeting – How many meetings have you gone to only to discover that the organizer isn’t ready for the meeting? Before a meeting is held, make sure that all preparations are done. This includes the basics like booking a room, distributing materials (in advance!), and setting an agenda. Too many meetings end up creating secondary meetings because the first one wasn’t done right.
  6. Filing Paperwork – Paper continues to be one of the biggest disorganization issues most people face. It piles up so fast it seems like it is multiplying. Yet, if you file that piece of paper when you get, you won’t end up with piles on your desk. It could be as simple as putting it in a file, or scanning it, or throwing it away. Same applies to your email and digital docs.
  7. Addressing Bad Behavior – Don’t let poor behavior go unchecked. Whether it is sub-par performance or simply bad conduct, the longer it continues the more damage it does. Address bad behavior right the first time it happens, and you can avoid a repeat pattern from developing.
  8. Responding to Email – How many times do you open an email only to close it and leave it in your inbox? Don’t fall into this half-done trap. Answer it, file it, or delete. Otherwise, don’t bother reading your email.
  9. Saying No – If you clearly “Say No,” you won’t be forced to continue making up excuses later. Instead, of saying you can’t because of so-and-so, just directly Say No at the start.
  10. Fixing Something that is Broken – How often do you put up with something that doesn’t work? Not only do “broken” items waste time, they can be dangerous when safety is involved. When something is broken… fix it.

I ask Coach Wooden’s question again –

If you don’t have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it again?


Tim Cool
Chief Executive Officer
Tim Cool is the President and CEO of Smart Church Solutions and takes great pride in helping churches optimize their facilities. When he’s not at the helm of his company, he’s dedicated to his family, being a husband to Lisa and a father to 27-year-old triplets. An enthusiast of the outdoors, Tim enjoys the simplicity of hiking in the North Carolina mountains.