church facility mangers: they why

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For years, we have talked about facility stewardship and how it relates to facility management. Our facilities were entrusted to us by God to steward, just like money. I personally am a firm believer in this concept as a physical and spiritual principle.

A facility manager is a role and job title. It is something we do hire people to perform. It is a what. However, there is a why behind it. In the paragraphs below, we will explore the purpose behind what we do as facility stewards. 

Groundwork: What Church Facility Managers Do

In short, facility management combines processes to maintain and develop services to support and organization. In a church, the primary activities are ministering to the community, reaching the lost, etc. Therefore, church facility management is not just cleaning floors and taking out the trash (although those may be subsets of the act of facility management). Too often, churches believe having a maintenance person or custodian checks the box for facility management. While you may hire a person to perform facility management activities, there is more to the job description. 

What is the Definition of Facility Management?

In this blog, we cover all about facilities management (FM), which involves the integrated management of a built environment’s various aspects to ensure functionality, comfort, safety, and efficiency. FM coordinates people, processes, and technology to maintain and enhance the quality of life within a building or facility, covering everything from routine maintenance to emergency response planning.

Sample Church Facility Manager Job Description

Primary Responsibilities:

  1. Maintenance and Repairs: Ensure the church’s buildings and grounds are well-maintained, safe, and operational. This includes routine checks, repairs, and preventive maintenance.

  2. Space Utilization: Coordinate the use and scheduling of church facilities for meetings, events, and worship services.

  3. Vendor Management: Oversee contracts and relationships with outside vendors, including landscapers, janitorial services, and equipment repair professionals.

  4. Safety and Security: Implement and maintain safety procedures and protocols to protect parishioners, staff, and church property.

  5. Budget Management: Develop and manage the facility’s budget, ensuring costs are kept within the allocated funds.

  6. Improvements and Renovations: Plan and oversee any construction, remodeling, or renovation projects.

  7. Equipment Management: Ensure all equipment, from sound systems to HVAC units, are functioning correctly and are serviced regularly.

  8. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure the church facilities comply with local, state, and federal regulations, including building codes, fire safety, and ADA requirements.

  9. Emergency Preparedness: Develop and implement emergency plans, including evacuation procedures and disaster response. (Free Handbook Here)

  10. Staff Management: If applicable, manage, train, and oversee facility staff or volunteers.

The Why or purpose for Facility Managers

So, now that we have laid the groundwork, let’s revisit the purpose. Below are examples of why church facility managers (stewards) carry a significant stewardship role: 

  • Our facilities belong to God 
  • Facility-related expenditures are generally the second-largest line item in a church budget, only after staffing
  • The health and safety of the staff and guests are essential 
  • Maintaining facilities is a constant activity
  • Operational costs (utilities, maintenance, janitorial) make up about 80% of your church’s life cycle cost of ownership
  • Your facility tells a story, good or bad
  • Facilities were intended to facilitate
  • Your facility care shows a level of respect 

Church Facility Managers, Your Job Matters

In conclusion, if you are tasked with the maintenance, life cycle, and management of your church’s facilities, you must take it seriously. If you don’t believe me, take a minute to read Numbers 3:14-38. The cliff notes: the Levites (priests) were assigned the care of the temple. They weren’t people at the bottom of the food chain, unqualified, or the lowest paid. They were the people set apart to do God’s service.

Above all, church facility management is highly important. Understanding your why for the what will give you the motivation and grit to make it a priority. For facility management questions and concerns, always feel free to reach out to our team for support. We are here to remind you of your importance in stewarding what God has given you.

Lee Cool
Director of Revenue
Lee Cool, the Director of Revenue at Smart Church Solutions for six years, brings an unparalleled dedication to enhancing customer experiences and operational efficiency. Beyond his professional expertise, Lee’s passion for the outdoors, including hiking, rock climbing, and camping, adds depth to his dynamic approach to leadership and innovation.