futureproof with espace

Table of Contents


The Impending Retirement Wave in Facility Management

Addressing the Imminent Knowledge Gap

The looming retirement of facility management professionals is not a distant concern but an imminent reality. A staggering 40% of facility managers are expected to retire within the next eight years, according to a study conducted by the International Facility Management Association. This figure is alarming, particularly considering the current shortage of qualified candidates to fill these vital roles. With the average age of facility managers at 50 and less than 20% of current professionals under 40, the industry faces a daunting challenge in safeguarding institutional knowledge.

The Crucial Need for Succession Planning

Protecting Institutional Knowledge and Safety

Organizations must proactively devise a succession plan, particularly for critical areas such as fire and life safety strategies and technology. Succession planning isn’t just about filling a position; it’s about transferring deep-seated knowledge and ensuring continuity in vital operational procedures. Tips for a smooth transition include assessing readiness, clear communication, thoughtful planning, mentoring successors, and showing appreciation for the dedication of those leaving.

eSPACE: Bridging the Knowledge Continuity Gap

Embracing Technology for Efficient Transitions

As we approach 2025, the facility management industry is poised for a technological revolution, with the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT). These advancements are set to redefine facility management. eSPACE stands at the forefront of this shift, offering a robust solution that prepares for the retirement of seasoned managers and integrates the latest technologies for a smarter, more resilient operational framework.

Proactive Measures Against Facility Management Crises

Embrace Efficiency and Reduce Risks

With eSPACE, adopting a proactive approach to facility management crises becomes attainable. As the threat of a knowledge gap grows, eSPACE delivers a solution that transcends mere replacement, ensuring that essential processes and safety strategies remain intact. By implementing eSPACE, you can navigate today’s complexities while preparing for tomorrow’s technological landscape.

Take Action Today

Download the Retirement Checklist

Are you thinking about retiring one of your current church facilities? Make sure you take a look at this retirement checklist first.

What’s in the checklist?

This checklist is packed with information you need to make sure you get prepared, and stay prepared, regarding your facilities.

  • General Facility Data
  • Equipment Auditing
  • Roof, Parking, Flooring, and Ceilings
  • Windows
  • Exterior
  • And so much more… 

Schedule Your eSPACE Demo

With a significant percentage of facility managers nearing retirement and a shortfall of new professionals entering the field, there is a significant need for a reliable, innovative facility management solution. eSPACE is poised to meet this need, ensuring that your facility’s legacy and operational excellence endure. Don’t wait—schedule a demo today to see how eSPACE can revolutionize your facility management.

Tim Cool
Chief Executive Officer
Tim Cool is the President and CEO of Smart Church Solutions and takes great pride in helping churches optimize their facilities. When he’s not at the helm of his company, he’s dedicated to his family, being a husband to Lisa and a father to 27-year-old triplets. An enthusiast of the outdoors, Tim enjoys the simplicity of hiking in the North Carolina mountains.