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This is a great question. At Smart Church Solutions, we are regularly asked this. While we try to explain it simply in a conversation, we often find ourselves rambling. Since we love what we do so much, it is hard for us to stay quiet about the work we are blessed to offer.

Therefore, to explain what we do at Smart Church Solutions, the best option may be written words…let’s try it this way. Below is a condensed (trust me, it is condensed from by typical verbal explanation) list of much of what we do:

Facility Management Software

Our eSPACE Software is the leading full-service suite of facility management software tools. Our subscription-based software includes the following:

  • Event Management
  • Event Registration
  • Billing and Invoicing 
  • Work Order Management 
  • Asset Management
  • Vehicle Management (Coming Soon)
  • Major system integration of the Event Management scheduler with HVAC, Door Access, and Digital Signage systems for full automation

Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) 

While we have summed up our philosophy on this type of assessment before, our FCAs include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • First impressions observations
  • Evaluation of critical expense areas in relationship to national benchmarking
  • Deferred Maintenance Assessment and line item of projected cost(s)
  • Initial Life Cycle Planning – Begin the process for an intentional facility stewardship program. This includes inspection of major building systems such as:
    • HVAC Systems
    • Electrical fixtures and panel
    • Plumbing fixtures
    • Roofing
    • Parking lots and site concrete
    • Exterior building components
    • Interior floor covering
    • Interior building components (i.e. wall materials, walls finishes)
  • Post Evaluation Coaching

Facility Management Consulting

The majority of churches in America have facilities they utilize to fulfill their vision and mission. However, many, struggle to properly steward the resources God has entrusted to them.

Read more below to learn the series of Facility Stewardship opportunities we’ve developed to assist.

Facility Management Assessment and Training

Does your church have an efficient plan for managing your facility?  Are you organized and properly funded? Do you have the right systems, means, and methods? Do you have the right personnel and right number of staff?

The list could go on and on. However, if  you cannot answer these questions affirmatively, you may need some assistance.

Cleaning Assessment and Training

These assessments are generally an add-on option to the above FCA and include the following:

  • An assessment of the number of necessary man-hours to adequately clean the facility based on projected usage on a room-by-room basis
  • An evaluation of current chemicals, equipment, means and methods 
  • Recommendations for intentional means and methods to accomplish the recommended cleaning processes

Facility Utilization and Planning

Winston Churchill once said, “We shape our buildings, and thereafter they shape us.”

This is so true for our ministry and church facilities. Many of the churches we consult have facilities that no longer serve the current vision and mission of the church. To assist churches through this process, Smart Church Solutions has developed several options:

Preliminary and Initial Consulting

We have found many churches don’t know which direction to choose. Therefore, sometimes they just need an advocate to meet with, discuss facility “pain points”, hear their heart and vision, and start the conversation for actionable next steps. 

Intentional Workshop

These workshops are designed to assist churches in determining the possibilities and options for facility renovation, redemptive engineering, expansion, or all new builds.

This master planning process utilizes an intensive onsite process to explore the right “tool” to fulfill the church’s ministry, vision, and mission.

Feasibility Study

The feasibility study is a deeper dive into the options for facility renewal, repurpose, or release (i.e. liquidation in whole or in part) of church property.

Owner’s Representative and Project Management

For organizations that desire to engage our team to lead them through the implementation of a “project”, we can serve in the role of Owner’s Representative.  This allows the church to focus on the mission and vision, while our team tackles the other aspects of the agreed upon direction.  

Smart Church Solutions’ Resources

In addition, Smart Church Solutions provides other resources to assist churches on the local, national, and even international level. Read more about what we offers below:

  • Life Cycle Calculator: Our star tool (which is a part of the eSPACE platform) allows a church to list, track, and project capital reserve needs to plan for long-term capital renewal expenditures.
  • Resources Page: Our Resource page offers a wealth of facility resources including blogs, eBooks, check lists, benchmarking studies, manuals, and books. Many of these are free; however, some require a nominal fee.
  • Facebook Group – Church Facility Management Solutions: This free group is open to anyone who has a role in stewarding the facilities God entrusted to them. The interaction of the group is robust, and there is a tremendous amount of shared knowledge and comradery. 

Smart Church Solutions’ Goal

As you have probably seen before on our website, Smart Church Solutions’ goal is to focus on facility needs so you can focus on your mission.

Allow us to step-in and help during this process. Your mission is what matters most, and we can help relieve the burden behind the curtain.

Tim Cool
Chief Executive Officer
Tim Cool is the President and CEO of Smart Church Solutions and takes great pride in helping churches optimize their facilities. When he’s not at the helm of his company, he’s dedicated to his family, being a husband to Lisa and a father to 27-year-old triplets. An enthusiast of the outdoors, Tim enjoys the simplicity of hiking in the North Carolina mountains.